
Fighting the Epidemic, Beijing Honglin is in Action

Time of announcement:2020-03-21 Source of articles:Honglin pharmaceutical

Fighting the epidemic, Beijing Honglin is in action!

“All for one, one for all”, in recent days, the epidemic level of new coronavirus has worried all Chinese People, Since the outbreak of the epidemic, in order to facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of patients of chronic diseases, diabetes, for example, Bureau of National Medicine and Insurance has given on Feb 8th, an direct order, during the epidemic, a “hall pass” of “long term prescription” is given to medical institutions to increase the amount of doses to patients in singular prescription on rational and contingent basis, to minimize the frequencies of visits to the medical institutions for the purchase of medicine of the patients.


With the thorough assessment of doctors, for patients with chronic diseases like cardio hypertension, diabetes, respective prescriptions could be extended to as long as 3 months in order to guaranteed the demand of long term medical consumption.


Glipizide controlled-release tablets donated by Beijing Honglin pharmaceutical company for Fu-Yang.


Number of patients of diabetes, hypertension and cardio diseases accounts for one-third of the total amount of the patients infected with new coronavirus. Standing against the centurial pandemic outbreak, as a supplier mastering the production of drugs of chronic disease, Beijing Honglin pharmaceutical company to contribute the least of our strength, has donated to the authorities concerned to Bu-Yang district in the Province of Anhui medical materials such as Glipzide controlled-release tablets for the cure of diabetes to help the patients in Fu-Yang to fight with the diseases.


Two prongs strategy, one hand, we fight the disease, and on the other hand, we increase the production. In this “War where there’s no smell of gun powder“, Beijing Honglin, on Feb 9th, was one of the enterprises in Hwai-Ro Beijing, who struggled to recover its production, working day and night in optimal capacity to make sure the demand of patients could be meet without any delay, and no interruption of consistent medication of chronic diseases patients, in the meanwhile practicing rigid and stern prevention measures such as top level reinforcement of sanitary management in the whole factory area with the same standard practiced in the lab, Sanitization of all employees and visitors in the factory, Exigence of putting on shoe-wrap and disposal of used masks on daily basis, to reduce the probabilities of infection and to protect those workers who are back to work, before the epidemic comes to an end.

Beside rigorous measures of infection prevention, All crews in BHP participated in the training programs of “Useful Knows-How Against New Coronavirus”. Also to avoid direct contacts and to minimize probability of infection, the training was given with on-line basis. All BHP members learned about the prevention measures against infection on smartphones after work. By means of the training, establishment of conscious of self-defense against coronavirus is given to further protect ourselves and the others.

On March 5, 2020, secretary Liu huaiying visited the company to investigate the company’s epidemic prevention work, understand the current situation and future development of the company, and care about the problems that the company needs to solve.

An unanimous voice from all BHP members – We will offer every drop of our strength in the future as long as the people need us!

We strongly believe, as long as we stay together, if we stay together, no one can break us, we will win this great war in the name of Health!






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